TLR: A Family

The Living Room (TLR) is a program serving young adults, aged 18-35, who are part of a recovery community. Based in Brooklyn, NY, the mission of TLR is to encourage and support young people in their recovery process. TLR works to strengthen and support the therapeutic and spiritual growth of young people in recovery. The Living Room works hand in hand with treatment providers and supports individuals who are part of a 12-step program. TLR is a safe space for young people to enhance their recovery and be of service to others. The TLR clinical team provides needs assessment to our members addressing areas that support a strong and long-term recovery. The clinical team is also available to assess those in need of acute addictions treatment, episodes of mental health distress and provide referrals to individual therapy.

Regular Schedule

The regular TLR bi-weekly schedule includes both a recovery meeting and time for networking and “fellowship”.  This allows members the opportunity to learn and share about themselves and recovery as well as to connect socially with other young people committed to building a life of recovery.  During the week, after attending their individual recovery groups at various programs, TLR Family members gather for an enriching dinner and spiritual discussion once a week on Tuesdays. Members share gratitude and their recovery dates and discuss the progress of their week with other TLR members from the same geographical area. These dinners are currently being held in Five Towns, and Monsey.

A family and a community

TLR is designed to create and maintain a community of recovery.  As such the foundation of the program is creating a network of support. Members who initially come in seeking help, are later empowered to support new members.  In this way, new members are welcomed into a family of support and service.

Clinical Supports

TLR also provides ancillary clinical supports to its members. Each new member is screened by licensed clinical and master-level social workers.  The screening includes an individual assessment for each facet of a sustainable recovery.  This includes mental health needs, vocational support, financial counseling, developing social supports, and healthy relationship boundaries.  Clinical staff then provides referral and follow-up to help support a whole-life therapy approach to recovery. 

Throughout their recovery process, if a TLR member encounters a mental health crisis of any sort, clinical staff are available to assess needs and make appropriate referrals.  Once a referral has been made, TLR clinical staff acts in a case management role (if no other case management is available) until the member has achieved stability in their mental health and recovery.  


As a vital aspect of its program, TLR operates a regular schedule of recovery retreats throughout the year.  These retreats provide members with a unique opportunity to learn and connect.  The retreats include an array of workshops and recovery groups as well as recreational activities designed to make the process of learning and recovery fun and dynamic.  These retreats are organized through the inclusion of TLR members who act in a wide range of service positions including; Retreat Chair, Assistant Chair, etc… This allows members to learn organizational and cooperative skills that they take with them in their recovery.

Activities and Events: Fun in Recovery

TLR also operates social and recreational activities throughout the year.  These include programs designed specifically for men and women separately, as well as activities together.  These range from one-night programs to 2-day weekend gatherings.  These are all designed to further create a recovery community of support for its members.  They also help members learn how to have fun a vital component to successful recovery for young people. These events are also partially organized by TLR members.